Borrow My Business Secrets that Generated Me Multi Crores in Sales & Profits To Take Your Business to next level

Using The 5 Gold Coin Framework

Borrow My Business Secrets that Generated me Multi Crores in Profit to Catapult Your Business to next level.

Using The 5 Gold Coin Framework



Dear Business Owner & Business Leaders,

I have been in Business for over 10 years, and I have interacted with more than 10,000 business owners. There is a common thread, I found in many of them.

Many business owners & business leaders are technically sound, yet they struggled to grow their business and make enough money for themselves.

These 4 words resemble their reality:

I have the utmost respect for talented & quality-focused business owners as they have the potential power to transform the lives of their customers.

What I have realised is that 

"Many business owners don't know how to make (huge) money using their talent, in their business."

Without making enough money in their business, they felt stuck and helpless and they think they are like Joe

  • From Thriving to Surviving.
  • From Long term success to only short term temporary wins.
  • From Seeing Failure as Opportunity to seeing Failure as Loss
  • From Progressing despite obstacles to Stopping the progress in the face of obstacles.
  • From Seeking Achievement to Seeking Comfort.
  • ​From Get Rich Sure to Make Quick Money.
  • From Making Lakhs and Crores in profits to Making financial losses in the long term.

I have been like Joe.

  • I have quit from opportunities when I faced obstacles.
  • I have taken a few Lakhs of Money by calling a close friend, to run my business.
  • ​I have had sleepless nights as I couldn't pay my suppliers
  • ​I stopped myself from approaching new clients due to the fear of rejection.
  • I never developed any assets as I was busy fire fighting due to lack of money.
  • I have done the majority of the work as I thought my team cannot do it effectively.
  • ​I did the quick-fix by applying band-aid to my problems to survive another day.
  • I took failures to my heart and stopped progressing ahead.
  • I have taken money from my parents, sister and wife from their savings to run the business.

I have had it enough, when I put my family under risk by taking their entire savings. I just had it enough.

I realised my mistakes and focused on Strong Cash Flow, Profitability, Growth in Sales, Building the team and systemising the business.  This led to my transition from Joe to Chris.

Though "Joe" & "Chris" are NOT the real "Flesh & Blood" people, their traits are absolutely real and based on real people.

There are many people who are like 'Joe' and want to become like 'Chris'

And I am sure, both the types of people complete agree that:

If you don't make enough money in your business:

  • You can't hire.
  • You can't retain talent.
  • You can't invest.
  • You'll let go of bigger opportunities. 
  • You can't have financial freedom.
  • You may have to shut down your business

In late 2012, I stumbled upon a weird mathematical curve that has helped me generate Multiple Crores in Sales and Profits.

What this curve revealed I had never seen before in any of the Business Growth courses, books, or trainings I had invested in. And, believe me, I invested in a lot! ( ₹20+ Lakhs & Counting)

Thanks to what I found after analysing this unusual mathematical curve for over 2 weeks and testing it for six months — my income catapulted, my reputation soared and clients respected me, and… more importantly… the profits generated by utilising this in my business, went through the roof. The entire game had changed for me.

Prior to 2012, I was struggling to achieve my sales goals despite working for 12 hours a day.

One weird mathematical curve, 2 weeks of analysis and 6 months of testing lead me to discover a whole different way of commanding my sales growth.

With this new found power, On 3rd Jan 2014, I quit the corporate Job and plunged into the world of Entrepreneurship.

It's been more than a Decade into the world of Entrepreneurship.

  • I have weathered a few financial storms in my own business.
  • I have made ₹ Lakhs of LOSSES in my business. 
  • I have also made multiple crores of PROFITS in my business.
  • ​I am bestselling Author of a Book.
  • I am very happy business owners with 3 Businesses today.
  • Impacted more than 10,000 people in Business today.

​And If I can do this, so can you.

Today, I run 3 businesses in 3 Different Domains:




So, What did I Do To Transform My Business Into A Multi Crore Business?

And How You Can Learn & Implement The Same In Your Business To Have A Explosion In The Growth Of Your Business.

By Using The:
5 Gold Coin Framework.

Coin 1: Profit Explosion with Tiny Changes

  • ​Realise what ​Myths are holding you back from making more profits and bust them.
  • Finding and utilising the Hidden Secret levers for profit multiplication.
  • ​Redefining Current ways of doing business for wealth accumulation.
  • ​Simplifying Business Finance for better, reliable financial decisions. 

Coin 2: Get More Business by Doing Less (Penetration Strategy)

Selling More to Existing Customers

  • Increase share of Business Substantially at Existing Customers with SalesMoonCurve
  • Retention of Existing Business with BusRet-Strategy

Adding New Customers in Existing Market

  • Potential Prospect Mapping Strategy
  • Aggressive Intent Marketing (AIM)
  • ​Promoting Penetrator Products

Coin 3: Money Multiplication by Expansion

New Geographical Domination

  • ​Finding and Tapping into New Customer Segments.
  • Increasing Market Potential. More the market potential, more than business.
  • ​Attracting and Adding New Customers using the Pre-Eminent Value System.

New Growth Pathways

  • ​Exploding Business by Exploring B2B / B2C / B2D paths
  • ​Domain Domination of  Manufacturing <> Distribution <> Retail <> Service
  • ​Tapping into the power of Ecommerce / Marketplace

Coin 4:  New Verticals = Brand New Business

For Current Market

  • Finding All Pain Areas of your Existing Clients using the PASS Framework 
  • Research & Development using the SIN Technique.
  • ​Implementing the BBS Model for Quick Start​

Coin 5: Exponential Diversification

New Geographical Domination

  • ​How to Find New Problems where customers are willing to pay Premium Price. 
  • ​Understanding and Exploring New Market Dynamics..
  • ​Assessing Scalability and Profitability.
  • ​Installing Diversification Mindset.

Want me to Show You How To Implement the 5 Gold Coin Framework In Your Business? 



In Business MAPS Program, I share, How I Converted resistive buyers to Loyal Customers which resulted in ₹ Multiple Crores in Sales & Profits by using the 5 Gold Coin Framework.



Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order 'Business MAPS Program' Today!

  • Access to Business M.A.P.S. Program for 1 year.
  • ​P.A.S.S Formula Workbook
  • ​Business Finance Health Analyser
  • SalesMoonCurve Analysis Tool
  • ₹99,999
  • ​₹9,999
  • ​₹9,999
  • ​₹9,999
  • Access to Business M.A.P.S. Program for 1 year : ₹99,999
  • ​P.A.S.S Formula Workbook: ₹9,999
  • ​Business Finance Health Analyser: ₹9,999
  • SalesMoonCurve Analysis Tool: ₹9,999

Total Value: ₹1,29,996

Today, get access to everything for just


(Inclusive of GST)


About Our Programs

(Actual Email Snippets)


 Will This Work For My Business?

If you're NOT a Real Estate Business, then the "Business MAPS Program" is definitely for you. 

But, let's help you with this, answer this:

> Do You Have A Need To Grow Sales ? -YES.
​> Do You Have A Need To Make More Profits? -YES
​> Do you want your clients to respect you and give you the priority? -YES
​> Do you want to capture higher market share of business ? -YES

​So, why wait? - Get Business MAPS Program Today 

 Does my team size matter?

If you're a Solopreneur or have a team, it's important to know how you can further keep growing your sales & profits and it's also important for your team to know how to grow their sales & profits, so that you can achieve the results faster

 I am already profitable - Will This Help?

If you're a hungry and a passionate business owner who thinks in exponential growth, rather than linear growth, then you need to get your hands on this program.

​​Improving your knowledge and skills goes long way. This program will help you reach the next level in your business.

 I am a Tradition Business Owner and I have a Manufacturing / Distribution Business / Service Business - Will this help?

100% Yes. I am a business owner just like you & I own a Manufacturing, distribution and a service business. If you Have done a lot of investments in Infrastructure, Depreciable Assets and  Inventory, without enough profitable sales, you'll struggle to manage your business and make enough money. This Business MAPS Program is my way of sharing all the ways I have grow my business.

 What If I Have Any Questions after going through the program, Will you provide support?

We have got you covered, all you need to do is - email us at, and we will answer your queries.

 Will I get a GST Invoice?

Yes, As soon as you register, you'll get a link from us to provide us your GST Details so that you can get your GST Invoice. We highly recommend you to claim your GST Invoice.

 Will This Work For My Business?

If you're NOT a Real Estate Business, then the "Business MAPS Program" is definitely for you. 

But, let's help you with this, answer this:

> Do You Have A Need To Grow Sales ? -YES.
​> Do You Have A Need To Make More Profits? -YES
​> Do you want your clients to respect you and give you the priority? -YES
​> Do you want to capture higher market share of business ? -YES

​So, why wait? - Get Business MAPS Program Today 

 What If I Have Any Questions after going through the program, Will you provide support?

We have got you covered, all you need to do is - email us at, and we will answer your queries.

 Will I get a GST Invoice?

Yes, As soon as you register, you'll get a link from us to provide us your GST Details so that you can get your GST Invoice. We highly recommend you to claim your GST Invoice.

 Does my team size matter?

If you're a Solopreneur or have a team, it's important to know how you can further keep growing your sales & profits and it's also important for your team to know how to grow their sales & profits, so that you can achieve the results faster

 I am already profitable - Will This Help?

If you're a hungry and a passionate business owner who thinks in exponential growth, rather than linear growth, then you need to get your hands on this program.

​​Improving your knowledge and skills goes long way. This program will help you reach the next level in your business.

 I am a Tradition Business Owner and I have a Manufacturing / Distribution Business / Service Business - Will this help?

100% Yes. I am a business owner just like you & I own a Manufacturing, distribution and a service business. If you Have done a lot of investments in Infrastructure, Depreciable Assets and  Inventory, without enough profitable sales, you'll struggle to manage your business and make enough money. This Business MAPS Program is my way of sharing all the ways I have grow my business.